Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Emergency Nursing Care Plan For Chest Pain - Heart Attack

Chest pain and heart attack

Chest discomfort or pain is a key warning symptom of a heart attack. Heart attack symptoms include:
  • Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest.
  • Sweating.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or Both shoulders or arms.
  • Sudden weakness or lightheadedness.
  • A fast or irregular heartbeat.

Most people fear That chest pain always means something is wrong with the heart. This is not the case. Chest discomfort or pain, ESPECIALLY in People who are younger than age 40, can have many Causes.
  • Pain in the muscles or bones of the chest Often Occurs When You increase of your activities or add exercise to your schedule. This is Sometimes Called chest wall pain.
  • Burning chest pain, That Occurs When You cough may be Caused by an upper respiratory infection Caused by a virus.
  • Burning chest or rib pain, ESPECIALLY Appears just before a rash, may be Caused by shingles.
  • A broken rib can be quite painful, ESPECIALLY Pls you cough or try to take a deep breath.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause pain just below the breastbone. Many people say Will They have "heartburn." This pain is usually relieved by taking an antacid or eating.

Other, more serious problems That can cause chest pain include:
  • A collapsed lung (pneumothorax), the which usually Causes a sharp, stabbing chest pain and shortness of breath Occurs with.
  • A blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism), the which usually Causes deep chest pain with the rapid development of extreme shortness of breath.
  • Lung cancer, the which may cause chest pain, ESPECIALLY if the cancer cells spread to involve the ribs.
  • Diseases of the spine, the which can cause chest pain if the nervous in the spine are "pinched."
Emergency Nursing Care Plan For Chest Pain - Heart Attack

Emergency Nursing Care Plan For Chest Pain - Heart Attack

Nursing Assessment For Chest Pain - Heart Attack

1. Primary Assessment
a. Airway
- How airway clearance?
- Is there a blockage / buildup of secretions in the airway?
- How is the sound of his breathing, is there any additional breath sounds?

b. Breathing
- How does the pattern of breathing? Frequency? The depth and rhythm?
- Does using a respirator muscles?
- Are there any additional breath sounds?

c. Circulation
- What about the peripheral arteries and carotid arteries? The quality (content and voltage)
- How capillary refill, cyanosis or oliguria?
- Is there a decrease in consciousness?
- How vital signs?

Secondary Assessment
The important points that need further examination during chest pain (coronary):
a. Location of pain
Where to start, propagation (coronary chest pain: from sternal spread to the neck, chin or shoulder to the left arm of the ulna)
b. Nature of pain
Feeling of fullness, heaviness such as seizures, squeezing, stabbing, choking / burning, etc..
c. Characteristics of pain
The degree of pain, duration, how many times arise in a certain period.
d. Chronology of pain
Beginning there is pain and progress sequentially
e. The situation at the time of attack
Whether arising at times / specific conditions
f. Factors that reinforce / relieve pain such as attitude / posture, movement, pressure, etc..
g. Other symptoms that may exist whether or not a relationship with chest pain.

Nursing Diagnosis For Chest Pain - Heart Attack

1. Acute pain related to tissue ischemia secondary to arterial occlusion, tissue inflammation
2. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion (heart muscle) related to decreased blood flow
3. Activity intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and metabolic needs of the network

Nursing Intervention For Chest Pain - Heart Attack

The principles of action:
1. Bed rest with Fowler position / semi-Fowler
2. Perform 12 lead ECG, if necessary, 24 leads
3. Observation of vital signs
4. Collaboration: oxygen delivery and administration of drugs according to advice
5. Install a drip and give peace to the client
6. Taking blood samples
7. Reduce environmental stimuli
8. Be calm in the works
9. Observing signs of complications