Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Acute Pain / Chronic Pain - Rheumatoid Arthritis Nursing Care Plan

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammation of the joints. This disease is categorized as an autoimmune disease because people suffering from this condition have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues.

Rheumatoid arthritis can attack various organs and tissues in the human body. However, it mainly attacks synovial joints in the hands, wrists, ankles, and knees.

There are, typically, three distinctive types of discomfort which go along with chronic RA. The foremost of these types of discomfort is often called "flair up pain." It is caused by the inflammation of the joints which goes along with periods when your RA is flaring and active.

The next type of rheumatoid pain is often simply called joint pain. It is caused by damage to the joints, which is a consequence of the inflammation. This is the everyday discomfort which is present, even while your RA is not active.

Finally, the very last rheumatoid aspect of the pain equation might be called "emotional pain." It involves the emotions, your psychological well being, and your stress level. The tiredness which you will feel is a part too. This aspect of RA really makes "everything hurt worse."

Management / Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nursing Care Plan for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nursing Diagnosis for Rheumatoid Arthritis : Acute Pain / Chronic Pain

related to:
  • Tissue distension by accumulation of fluid / inflammatory process
  • Destruction of joints.
Can be evidenced by:
  • Complaints of pain, discomfort, fatigue.
  • Focusing on self / narrowing of focus
  • Behavior distraction / autonomic response
  • Behavior that is care / protect
Expected results / patient evaluation criteria will be:
  • Showed pain relief / control
  • Looks relaxed, able to sleep / rest and participate in activities according to ability.
  • Follow the program prescribed pharmacological
  • Combining the skills of relaxation and entertainment activities into a program of pain control.
Nursing Interventions and Rational - Nursing Care Plan for Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Record complaints of pain, record the location and intensity (scale 0-10). Write down the factors that accelerate and signs of pain - non-verbal.
Rational: To assist in determining the need for pain management and program effectiveness.

2. Give a hard mattress, a small pillow. Elevate the bed linen as needed.
Rational: a soft mattress, pillow that would prevent maintenance of proper body alignment, placing stress on the joints that hurt. Elevation of the bed linen lowering the pressure in the inflamed joints / pain.

3. Place / monitor the use of pillows, sandbags, splint, brace.
Rational: Resting sore joints and maintain a neutral position. The use of the brace can reduce pain and can reduce damage to the joints.

4. Advise to change position frequently. Help to move in bed, prop joint pain above and below, avoid jerky movements.
Rationale: Prevent the occurrence of general fatigue and joint stiffness. Stabilize joints, reduce the movement / pain in the joints.

5. Instruct the patient to a warm bath or shower at the time awake and / or at bedtime. Provide a warm washcloth compress for sore joints several times a day. Monitor the temperature of the water compresses, baths, and so on.
Rational: The heat increases muscle relaxation, and mobility, reduce pain and stiffness in the morning release. Sensitivity to heat can be removed and dermal wound can be healed.

6. Give a gentle massage
Rationale: Increase relaxation / reducing pain.

7. Encourage the use of stress management techniques, such as progressive relaxation, therapeutic touch, biofeed back, visualization, guidelines imagination, self hypnosis, and breath control.
Rationale: Increase relaxation, provide a sense of control and may enhance coping abilities.

8. Engage in activities appropriate entertainment for individual situations.
Rationale: Focusing attention back, providing stimulation, and increased self-confidence and feeling healthy.

9. Give drug before the activity / planned exercise as directed.
Rationale: Increasing realaksasi, reduce muscle tension / spasm, making it easier to participate in therapy.

10. Collaboration: Give medications as directed.
Rational: As an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect in reducing stiffness and increasing mobility.

11. Give ice-cold compress if needed
Rational: The cold can relieve pain and swelling during the acute period