Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Nursing Care Plan for Osteosarcoma - Impaired Physical Mobility

Osteosarcoma is a primary malignant bone tumors are the most common and often fatal and can occur as a secondary metastases from extremity limb in 50% of cases. Usually found on the former site of radiation or more often as a broadcaster in Paget's disease. Osteosarcoma often occurs in men in the age group 10-25 years and the parents who have Paget's disease.

Nursing Diagnosis for Osteosarcoma : Impaired physical mobility related to muskuluskletal damage, pain, and amputation.

Goal: mobillitas physical damage is resolved entirely.

Subjective data: The client said it was difficult to move.
Objective data: The client looks impaired coordination; decreased muscle strength, control and mass.

Expected outcomes:
  • The patient stated understanding of individual situations, treatment programs, and security measures,
  • The patient seemed to participate in training programs / shows willingness to participate in activities,
  • The patient showed technique / behaviors enabling the move action, and
  • The patient seemed to maintain coordination and mobility corresponding optimal level.


1. Assess the level of immobilization caused by edema and the patient's perception of immobilization.
R /: The patient will restrict the movement as one of perception (perception are not proportional).

b. Encourage participation in recreational activities (watching TV, reading newspapers, etc.).
R /: Provides the opportunity to expend energy, focus, improve the patient's sense of self control and help in reducing social isolation.

3. Instruct the patient to perform active and passive exercises on the injury or not.
R /: Increases blood flow to the muscles and bones to improve muscle tone, maintain joint mobility, prevent contractures / atrophy and reapsorbsi Ca unused.

4. Assist patients in self-care.
R /: Increases strength and muscle circulation, improve the patient in control of the situation, increasing the willingness of the patient to recover.

5. Provide High-protein diet and High calories, vitamins, and minerals.
R /: Speed up the process of healing, prevent weight loss, because the immobilization usually weight loss.

6. Collaboration with the physiotherapy department.
R /: To determine the exercise program.