Saturday, July 21, 2012

Nursing Care Plan for Scoliosis

Nursing Care Plan for Scoliosis

Nursing Care Plan for Scoliosis

Analysis of data

Subjective Data:
  • Patients say back pain.
  • Patients say fatigue in the spine after sitting or standing for long.
  • Patients say trouble breathing.

Objective Data:
  • Shoulder, did not seem as high.
  • Visible protrusion of the scapula is not the same.
  • Looks are not the same hip.

Nursing Diagnosis for Scoliosis

Nursing Interventions for Scoliosis

1. Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to the suppression of pain.

Purpose: The pattern of breathing effectively.

Plan of action:
  • Assess respiratory status every 4 hours.
  • Help and teach the patient to breath in any one hour. Rationale: Increasing the maximum ventilation and oxygenation.
  • Adjust bed semi-Fowler position to improve lung expansion. Rational: Sitting height allowing easier breathing and lung expansion.
  • Monitor vital signs every 1 hour. Rational: general indicators, circulation status and adequacy of perfusion.

2. Acute pain: back related to the position of lateral body tilt.

Purpose: Pain is reduced or lost

Plan of action:
  • Assess the type, intensity and location of pain. Rational: Influencing choice / control the effectiveness of interventions can influence the level of anxiety to pain.
  • Teach relaxation and distraction techniques. Rational: To divert attention, thereby reducing pain.
  • Teach and encourage use of the brace. Rational: To reduce pain during activity.
  • Collaboration in the provision of analgesia. Rational: To relieve pain.