Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement control, impacting millions of people worldwide. This article explores the key aspects of Parkinson's disease, including its causes, symptoms, and current management strategies.
Causes of Parkinson's Disease:
- Neurodegeneration: Parkinson's disease is characterized by the gradual loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra, a region of the brain involved in movement control.
- Genetic Factors: While most cases of Parkinson's are sporadic, some have a genetic component. Mutations in specific genes, such as LRRK2 and SNCA, are associated with an increased risk of developing the condition.
- Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain environmental toxins, such as pesticides and herbicides, has been linked to an elevated risk of Parkinson's disease.
Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease:
- Tremors: Involuntary shaking or trembling, typically starting in the hands, is a hallmark symptom of Parkinson's.
- Bradykinesia: Slowed movement and a gradual reduction in the ability to initiate and complete physical activities.
- Muscle Rigidity: Stiffness and resistance to movement in the muscles, leading to reduced flexibility.
- Postural Instability: Difficulty maintaining balance and an increased risk of falls.
- Changes in Handwriting: Micrographia, or the shrinking of handwriting, is a common early sign.
![Parkinson's Disease Nursing Care Plan - Diagnosis Interventions](
Parkinson's Disease Nursing Care Plan
1. Nursing Diagnosis Impaired physical mobility related to the stiffness and muscle weakness.
Goal: The client is able to perform physical activity according to ability.
Expected results: the client can participate in training programs, joint contractures did not occur, increased muscle strength and the client indicates an act to increase the mobility
Nursing Interventions for Parkinson's Disease :
- examine existing mobility and observation of an increase in damage
- do an exercise program increases muscle strength.
- encourage hangan bath and massage the muscle
- help clients perform ROM exercises, self-care according to tolerance
- collaboration physiotherapists for physical exercise
2. Nursing Diagnosis Self care deficit related to neuromuscular weakness, decline in strength, loss of muscle control / coordination.
Goal: self-care clients are met
Expected results: the client can indicate a change of life for the needs of taking care of themselves, clients are able to do self-care activities in accordance with the level of ability, and identify personal / community that can help.
Nursing Interventions for Parkinson's Disease :
- assess the ability and the rate of decline and the scale of 0-4 to perform ADL
- avoid what not to do the client and help if needed.
- collaborative provision of laxatives and consult a doctor of occupational therapy
- teach and support the client during the client's activities
- environmental modifications
3. Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Verbal Communication related to the decline in speech and facial muscle stiffness
characterized by:
- Subjective Data: client / family says the difficulty in talking
- Objective data: the words are difficult to understand, face rigid.
Nursing Interventions for Parkinson's Disease:
- Keep the complications of treatment.
- Refer to speech therapy.
- Teach clients to use facial exercises and breathing methods to correct the words, volume, and intonation.
- Breath deeply before speaking to increase the volume and number of words in sentences of each breath.
- Practice speaking in short sentences, reading aloud in front of the glass or into a voice recorder (tape recorder) to monitor progress.
- Olanow, C. W., Stern, M. B., & Sethi, K. (2009). The scientific and clinical basis for the treatment of Parkinson disease (2009). Neurology, 72(21 Suppl 4), S1–S136. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e318198db1d
- Dorsey, E. R., Bloem, B. R., & Okun, M. S. (2020). The past, present, and future of Parkinson's disease: A special essay on the 200th Anniversary of the Shaking Palsy. Movement Disorders, 35(6), 795–801. doi: 10.1002/mds.27986
- Schapira, A. H., Chaudhuri, K. R., & Jenner, P. (2017). Non-motor features of Parkinson disease. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 18(7), 435–450. doi: 10.1038/nrn.2017.62