Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Human Brain Need Vacation

Doing the same routine every day will lead to saturation and the brain can not work optimally. There are 4 reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation.

A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.

Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from Myfoxorlando.com:

1. Improve Memory
Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus (part of the brain that creates a memory or memories). This will improve memory and help protect against Alzheimer's disease.

2. Enhance creativity
American and French researchers found the holidays can increase the ability to solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try something new. This is because vacation facilitate the mind's creativity.

3. Sharpens concentration
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones. Poldrack said when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration.

4. Provide rest time

The study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher quality sleep, it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory and brain health.

Source : http://artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com/2011/08/human-brain-need-vacation.html

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tips to Overcome Heart Palpitations

Tips to Overcome Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations or tachycardia is a condition when the heart rate over 100 beats per minute. Many things can cause palpitations as blood circulation problems, hypertension or cholesterol, potassium deficiency and arrhythmias.

Symptoms of palpitations include discomfort in the chest, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, and the head feels light. In a serious condition needs immediate medical treatment, but prior to the doctor or the symptoms are mild you can do the following:

Avoid stimulants

Stimulants can stimulate the heart rate by speeding up metabolism and releases adrenaline. So, definitely avoid coffee, caffeinated tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, and medicines that contain caffeine.

Eat Fiber

If you are experiencing tachycardia caused by high blood pressure or other circulatory system problems then you should start eating foods high in fiber. This will erode the fiber layer of fat in blood vessels causing high blood pressure. Also drink enough water and avoid eating too much saturated fat.

 Simple Exercise 

Simple exercise done in stages is great for strengthening the heart muscles. But remember, do not exercise that much because it was not even good for the heart and prone to heart attacks.

Avoid Anxiety

Anxiety also makes the body releases adrenaline which causes the heart beat faster.


Meditation is the ability to control the mind and body function by concentrating on one of them in order to reach things that are soothing. By learning how to relax, then you also learn to lower the heart rate.

Simple Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

Prevent Heart Disease

Simple Tips to Prevent Heart Disease - The heart is the main organ that is essential for humans, because the heart is required to pump blood throughout the body, allowing the body to get oxygen and nutrients needed for metabolism. The heart needs to be maintained in order to perform its functions properly. One is to avoid coronary heart disease which is one of the dangerous diseases that can cause heart attacks. To do so, we need to know how to keep our heart healthy, what to avoid and what to do to maintain heart health.

Know your blood pressure, and do whatever, that reached number 115/75 mmHg.

Your blood pressure may be even more important than your cholesterol. And, you can reduce this pressure alone. The best way? Regular exercise, and reduce fat in the abdomen. Why? because fat is covering the vital organs, so that these organs could work better, it takes the blood pressure more. So, when the reduced abdominal fat, blood pressure required would decrease drastically.

Simple Exercise - Walking for 30 minutes every day

Walking a half hour each day, lowering the risk of heart attack by about 30 percent. It's kind of a test for you, if you successfully do this, chances are you'll start doing other activities, then call it with others. This step is very important, because it will strengthen your commitment, try to call your female counterparts, because they will be more supportive of you.

Simple Exercise can Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels

Simple Exercise can Lower Blood Cholesterol Levels

Levels of cholesterol in the blood depends on what you eat and how the body makes cholesterol in the liver. Having too much cholesterol in the blood is not a disease, but can lead to hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) in the cardiovascular system.

Here is a simple exercise that can lower blood cholesterol levels :

1. Start by warming up before exercise. Stretching is simple enough to do. If you have a disease such as diabetes, asthma, or heart disease, you should consult with a physician.

2. Start moving. Do a 20-30 minute walk, three to four times a week. After 8 weeks of practice is done on foot, could proceed by foot up to one hour as much as 6-7 times a week.

3. If you have previously made ​​walking on the road is flat, trying to do on the road uphill to increase physical capabilities. If not, can also use a kind of treadmill that can simulate the ground uphill or down.

4. If you have a chance, join aerobics classes. In addition to instructions during a workout, aerobics classes bring joy to own that could push back the exercise.

5. Consider adding an exercise like yoga. This exercise makes you more disciplined, positive thinking and relaxation are helpful to reduce stress.

  • Exercise 20-30 minutes per day can be considered to have much lower cholesterol.
  • Another benefit of regular exercise is a useful weight loss can also increase HDL cholesterol, and lowers LDL cholesterol. Especially if done by reducing the fat around the waist and abdomen.
  • To prevent injury do not forget to always wear shoes.

Nursing Interventions Acute Pain related to Uterine Fibroids

Nursing Interventions Acute Pain related to Uterine Fibroids

Nursing Diagnosis Acute Pain related to inflammation due to the addition of mass in the uterus

  • Pain can be reduced or lost
Expected outcomes are:
  • Pain scale (1-10) = 1-3.
  • Respiration = 16-24 beats / minute.
  • Pulse  = 60 -100 beats / min.
  • Expression showed no signs of pain and seemed to relax.

1. Observation of a pain scale (1-10)
Rational: Observation of a pain scale is necessary for us to know the level of pain experienced by the client so that we can provide appropriate interventions for clients.

2. Find the area, location, and intensity of pain
Rational: To determine the location of pain, pain in the abdomen may indicate the likelihood of complications

3. Give a sitting position while hugging a pillow or a position in the sense of comfort by the client
Rational: It can provide comfort to the client.

4. Give instruction in relaxation techniques and deep breathing techniques
Rational: relaxation and deep breathing techniques to increase comfort and reduce the level of pain experienced by the client

5. Encourage clients to use a warm compress
Rational: Warm compresses can increase vasodilation of blood vessels at the site of pain so that pain can be reduced.

6. Collaboration in the delivery of analgesics and antiemetics, as indicated when necessary.
Rational: The provision of analgesia is necessary if the client is a pain scale of 7-10, this analgesic increase relaxation, decrease attention to pain, and control the adverse action.

7. Provide information about the use of analgesics that are prescribed or not prescribed
Rational: The specific instructions about the use of drugs, increasing awareness of safe use and side effects.

8. Evaluation of vital signs.
Rational: To determine the condition of clients after the intervention so that it can be done to determine further action.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Disturbed Sleep Pattern Nursing Care Plan for Stroke

Sleep is one of the basic human needs. Bed rest depending on the age and habits of each individual. Babies and children need more sleep than adults. In adults, bed rest, relax as well as much needed other than the actual sleep.

Get the quality and quantity of good sleep is one important part of the healing process of patients with stroke. However, sleep disturbance itself is a problem that often arises in patients with stroke. Sleep disorders can lead to frustration. Sleep disorders can make the patient tired and disturbed.

Disturbed Sleep Pattern Definition :

Disturbed Sleep pattern Time-limited disruption of sleep
Disturbed Sleep pattern


Prolonged awakenings, sleep maintenance insomnia, self-induced impairment of normal pattern, sleep onset more than 30 minutes, early morning insomnia, awakening earlier or later than desired, verbal complaints of difficulty falling asleep, verbal complaints of not feeling well-rested, increased proportion of Stage 1 sleep, dissatisfaction with sleep, less than age-normed total sleep time, three or more nighttime awakenings, decreased proportion of Stages 3 and 4 sleep, decreased ability to function.

Nursing Diagnosis Disturbed Sleep Pattern Nursing Care Plan for Stroke

Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to the environment and the lack of privacy

Patients can meet the need for sleep

Expected Outcomes:
  • Patients often wake up at night.
  • Patients find it easy to fall asleep without difficulty.
  • Patients can get up in the morning with a fresh and not tired.
Nursing Interventions

1. Assess patients' sleep patterns to plan treatment

2. Observation of patient medication and diet

3.  Help the patient reduce the pain before sleep and the client with a comfortable position to sleep

4. Keep quiet environment, such as lowering the volume of radio & television


Sleep habits are individual. Data collected in a comprehensive and holistic needed to decide the etiology of sleep disorders

Difficulty sleeping can be a side effect of medication

Clients say an uncomfortable position and pain are all factors that are often the cause of sleep disorders

Excessive crowd cause sleep disturbance.

Deficient Knowledge Nursing Care Plan for Stroke

Deficient Knowledge Definition :
Absence or deficiency of cognitive information related to a specific topic

Defining Characteristics: Verbalization of the problem; inaccurate follow-through of instruction; inaccurate performance of test; inappropriate or exaggerated behaviors (e.g., hysterical, hostile, agitated, apathetic) Knowledge deficient related to less access to health information.

Stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted. This typically occurs when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood, thereby preventing the brain from getting the oxygen that it needs. Without oxygen, the brain cannot function properly and could be permanently damaged.

Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke Deficient Knowledge

Increased knowledge of clients

Expected Outcomes:

Clients and families understand about the disease Stroke, care and treatment

Nursing Interventions Nursing Care Plan for Stroke :

1. Assessing the client's readiness and ability to learn

2. Assessing knowledge and skills of previous clients about the disease and its impact on the desire to learn.

3. Give the most important material on the client

4. Identify the main source of support and note the client's ability to learn and support the necessary behavior changes.

5. Assess the family desires to support the client's behavior change.

6. Evaluation of learning outcomes through demonstration and mentions again the material being taught.


The learning process depends on the particular situation, social interaction, cultural and environmental values

New information is absorbed and the fact meallui previous assumptions and biases influence the transformation process

Information will be more striking if the concept is explained from the simple to the complex

Family support is needed to support changes in patient.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hyperthermia Nursing Care Plan for Tetanus

Nursing Care Plan for Tetanus - Nursing Diagnosis : Hyperthermia and Interventions

Definition: The body temperature rises above the normal range.
Characteristics :
  • Increase in body temperature above the normal range
  • Attacks or convulsions (seizures)
  • Skin redness
  • Increase respiratory rate
  • Tachycardia
  • Hands felt warm to the touch
Tetanus is an infectious disease which is caused due Clostridium tetani bacterium.

Tetanus is transmitted through the environment and not from person to person contact. It is also known as lockjaw as it causes spasms that lock the muscles of the jaw. In severe cases, respiratory muscles get locked due to spasm and the person dies due to lack of oxygen to the brain and other parts of the body.

The chief tetanus symptoms generated by the neurotoxins include lockjaw and other contraction of the skeletal muscles of the face and upper body. Highly painful spasms become evident, accompanied by the voluntary muscles becoming increasingly rigid. The limbs and trunk follow, along with an arching of the back that is technically called opisthotonos. As the symptoms progress, so generally do the severity of the spasms, especially the masseter muscle contributing to lockjaw.

Nursing Diagnosis for Tetanus 

Hyperthermia related to efeks toxin (bacteremia)  
  • characterized by :
  • body temperature 38-40 ° C,
  • hyper-hydration,
  • white blood cells more than 10,000 / mm3
Purpose: Normal body temperature

Results Criteria:
  • Temperature :36-37 ° C,
  • Laboratory results: white blood cells (WBCs) between 5.000-10.000/mm3
Nursing Interventions - Hyperthermia Nursing Care Plan for Tetanus :

1. Set the ambient temperature, which is convenient.
Rational: The climate and environment can affect an individual's body temperature as a process of adaptation through the process of evaporation and convection.

2. Monitor body temperature every 2 hours
Rasioanl: Identify the symptoms progress to the shock.

3. Provide adequate hydration or drinking adequat
Rationale: Fluids help refresh the body and the compression of the body.

4. Take action on aseptic technique and antiseptic treatment of wounds.
Rational: wound care eliminate the possibility of a toxin that is located around the wound.

5. Implement programs and antipieretik antibiotic treatment.
Rational: These drugs may have antibacterial properties to treat a broad spectrum of gram-positive bacteria or gram negative bacteria. Antipyretic worked as a process of thermoregulation, heat anticipation.

6. Collaborative laboratory examination of leukocytes.
Rational: The results of leukocytes increased by more than 10,000 / mm 3 indicates the presence of infection and to keep abreast of the prescribed treatment.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Acute Pain / Chronic Pain - Rheumatoid Arthritis Nursing Care Plan

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammation of the joints. This disease is categorized as an autoimmune disease because people suffering from this condition have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues.

Rheumatoid arthritis can attack various organs and tissues in the human body. However, it mainly attacks synovial joints in the hands, wrists, ankles, and knees.

There are, typically, three distinctive types of discomfort which go along with chronic RA. The foremost of these types of discomfort is often called "flair up pain." It is caused by the inflammation of the joints which goes along with periods when your RA is flaring and active.

The next type of rheumatoid pain is often simply called joint pain. It is caused by damage to the joints, which is a consequence of the inflammation. This is the everyday discomfort which is present, even while your RA is not active.

Finally, the very last rheumatoid aspect of the pain equation might be called "emotional pain." It involves the emotions, your psychological well being, and your stress level. The tiredness which you will feel is a part too. This aspect of RA really makes "everything hurt worse."

Management / Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nursing Care Plan for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Nursing Diagnosis for Rheumatoid Arthritis : Acute Pain / Chronic Pain

related to:
  • Tissue distension by accumulation of fluid / inflammatory process
  • Destruction of joints.
Can be evidenced by:
  • Complaints of pain, discomfort, fatigue.
  • Focusing on self / narrowing of focus
  • Behavior distraction / autonomic response
  • Behavior that is care / protect
Expected results / patient evaluation criteria will be:
  • Showed pain relief / control
  • Looks relaxed, able to sleep / rest and participate in activities according to ability.
  • Follow the program prescribed pharmacological
  • Combining the skills of relaxation and entertainment activities into a program of pain control.
Nursing Interventions and Rational - Nursing Care Plan for Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. Record complaints of pain, record the location and intensity (scale 0-10). Write down the factors that accelerate and signs of pain - non-verbal.
Rational: To assist in determining the need for pain management and program effectiveness.

2. Give a hard mattress, a small pillow. Elevate the bed linen as needed.
Rational: a soft mattress, pillow that would prevent maintenance of proper body alignment, placing stress on the joints that hurt. Elevation of the bed linen lowering the pressure in the inflamed joints / pain.

3. Place / monitor the use of pillows, sandbags, splint, brace.
Rational: Resting sore joints and maintain a neutral position. The use of the brace can reduce pain and can reduce damage to the joints.

4. Advise to change position frequently. Help to move in bed, prop joint pain above and below, avoid jerky movements.
Rationale: Prevent the occurrence of general fatigue and joint stiffness. Stabilize joints, reduce the movement / pain in the joints.

5. Instruct the patient to a warm bath or shower at the time awake and / or at bedtime. Provide a warm washcloth compress for sore joints several times a day. Monitor the temperature of the water compresses, baths, and so on.
Rational: The heat increases muscle relaxation, and mobility, reduce pain and stiffness in the morning release. Sensitivity to heat can be removed and dermal wound can be healed.

6. Give a gentle massage
Rationale: Increase relaxation / reducing pain.

7. Encourage the use of stress management techniques, such as progressive relaxation, therapeutic touch, biofeed back, visualization, guidelines imagination, self hypnosis, and breath control.
Rationale: Increase relaxation, provide a sense of control and may enhance coping abilities.

8. Engage in activities appropriate entertainment for individual situations.
Rationale: Focusing attention back, providing stimulation, and increased self-confidence and feeling healthy.

9. Give drug before the activity / planned exercise as directed.
Rationale: Increasing realaksasi, reduce muscle tension / spasm, making it easier to participate in therapy.

10. Collaboration: Give medications as directed.
Rational: As an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect in reducing stiffness and increasing mobility.

11. Give ice-cold compress if needed
Rational: The cold can relieve pain and swelling during the acute period