Definition: Insufficient physiological or psychological energy to continue or complete the requested activity or daily activities.
Defining characteristics:
- Verbal report of fatigue or weakness.
- Abnormal response of blood pressure or pulse of activity
- ECG changes indicating ischemia or arrhythmia
- Presence of dyspnea or discomfort on exertion.
- Bed rest or immobilization Baring
- Overall weakness
- Imbalance between oxygen suplei needs
- Lifestyle is maintained.
- Energy conservation
- Self Care: ADLs
Participate in physical activity without an accompanying increase in blood pressure, pulse and respiration
Able to perform daily activities (ADLs) independently
Energy Management
- Observation of client restrictions in activities
- Encourage the child to express feelings of limitations
- Assess the factors that cause fatigue
- Monitor nutrition and adequate sources of energy
- Monitor the patient's physical and emotional exhaustion are excessive
- Monitor cardiovascular response to activity
- Monitor sleep patterns and duration of sleep / rest patients
- Collaborate with the Medical Rehabilitation Workers dalammerencanakan progran appropriate therapy.
- Help clients to identify activities that can be done
- Helps to choose activities consistent with the ability yangsesuai physical, psychological and social
- Helps to identify and obtain resources needed for the desired activity
- Mendpatkan auxiliary aids for activities such as wheelchairs, crick
- Bantu untu identify a preferred activity
- Help clients to exercise their free time schedule
- Help the patient / family to identify deficiencies in the activity
- Provide positive reinforcement for active move
- Help the patient to develop self-motivation and reinforcement
- Monitor physical response, EMOI, social and spiritual