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Seven Things You Can Do To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

How To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease - Alzheimer's Disease is one of the most feared diseases of everyone. This disease can make a person lose mind and thoughts. Alzheimer's also a lot of attacking young children. Actually Alzheimer's is strongly influenced by genetic factors, but health experts observed that there are other factors that can make someone stricken with Alzheimer's. These factors, among others, nutrition, education, diabetes, and mental as well as physical activity.

By knowing how much the effects of the disease, of course, prevention must be done as early as possible. Alzheimer's disease is difficult to treat, but Alzheimer's can still be prevented. How can I prevent Alzheimer's? Here are seven things you can do to prevent Alzheimer's.

1. Consumption of foods containing antioxidants

Foods with antioxidants can prevent dementia and preventing certainly prevent Alzheimer's. Lots of vegetables and fruits that are rich in antioxidants. In addition, tea also contains many antioxidants.

2. Reduce fatty foods

Not only obesity, fat may also trigger changes in brain function for the better or worse. Alzheimer's can also be triggered from fatty foods. Should reduce the consumption of saturated fats because it can make the brain cells which become inefficient. Besides reducing the consumption of fried foods such as fried foods, fried rice, etc.

3. Exercise

Diligent exercise turned out to stimulate the production of good cholesterol. The researchers claim the good cholesterol can serve as an anti-inflammatory for preventing damage to the brain system.

4. Stimulation of brain growth

The brain begins to shrink at the age of 30-40 years. But investigators believe a person can increase the size of the brain by studying diligently. Try to learn new things, expand friendship as stimulation, reading books, browsing the Internet or buying games that stimulate the brain.

5. Reduce Sweet foods

Sweet foods not only cause weight problems. Many sweet meal can also initiate brain damage. Suzanne de La Monte, MD, MPH, a neuropathologist from Brown University with a team doing research. Shows that eating too much sugar can cause insulin resistance that worsen the condition of the brain.

6. Cook your own meals at home

By cooking your own meals, we can ensure itself the materials used are the best and healthier than buying food outside.

7. Keep Your Teeth

Teeth and gums are not clean can be toxic to the brain and tends to make the memory is getting low. Therefore diligent brushing and flossing can help keep your teeth and sharpen memory.
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